Annual Progress Report

The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) are assessments developed by Iowa Testing Programs at the University of Iowa for the state of Iowa. These are aligned with the Iowa Core standards and our District Leadership Team establishes goals regarding ISASP levels of performance.

The state also maintains an Iowa Performance Profile website with student performance measures for BCLUW, as well as all other public schools in Iowa. The Iowa School Performance Profiles is an online tool showing how public schools performed on several required measures. The website was developed to meet federal and state requirements for publishing online school report cards.

2024-2025 Academic Goals

2023-24 BCLUW Proficiency Summary ISASP

BCLUW Iowa School Performance Profile

Additional Annual Report Documents


BCLUW Community School District - Return to Learn Plan 

Updated July, 2024 for the 2024-25 School Year


An LEA receiving an allocation of funds through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) formula is required to develop a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and the continuity of services plan. This plan is to be regularly reviewed and revised as appropriate. Modifications and amendments to our most recent plan will be based on current health trends of the local area, as well as recommendations and requirements received from the Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Department of Education, and both the Linn and Benton County Departments of Public Health.

The BCLUW Community School District is committed to providing a safe, effective, and equitable learning environment for all students. As part of our ongoing recovery efforts following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have developed this "Return to Learn" plan in alignment with the guidance from federal and state authorities, including the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund requirements. This plan reflects our current status of returning to pre-pandemic school operations, while ensuring flexibility and support for any future challenges that may arise.

Plan Components

The purpose of this plan is to provide BCLUW students with face-to-face learning experiences in a pre-pandemic manner. Currently, the BCLUW School District operates under its normal, pre-pandemic processes and procedures. We will continue to follow all state and federal laws, including students attending school full time, in-person. Masks will remain optional for students, staff, and visitors in our buildings. For this review/update, there have been no new modifications and/or revisions to the district’s Return to Learn plan. 


  • IDPH COVID-19 Education Update May 14, 2021: - Identifies that COVID-19 in the school setting should be approached like other child illnesses including the elimination of quarantine procedures for exposed students regardless of mask usage. 
  •  IDPH Common Child Illnesses and Exclusion Criteria:  Identifies COVID-19 as a common child illness that results in exclusion, as with other illnesses, from the education setting for the positive individual.  
  • House File 847:  Prohibits K-12 schools from mandating face masks effective May 20, 2021.  
  • Senate File 160:  Requires school districts in Iowa to provide on-site learning.  

The School Setting & Covid-19


  • BCLUW Families can anticipate that their child may be exposed to COVID-19 during the school year.  
  • BCLUW will not contact trace to identify individuals as “close contacts” who may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the school setting.  
  • The IDPH has identified that school districts should handle COVID-19 as an everyday illness such as the flu. 4 


  • BCLUW will approach COVID-19 like all other child illnesses.  
  • BCLUW will not publish data on the number of active positive cases, historical positive cases, or exposures. 


  • Individuals who believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 in or outside of the school setting should coordinate with their doctor/county health officials to identify when they may safely return to school.  
  • Families should notify the school nurse with information regarding their return. 


  • Individuals feeling ill should not attend school. It is possible that symptoms of illness may be a result of COVID-19.  
  • IDPH guidelines will be followed 



  • Face-coverings are not required for students, staff, or visitors. 


  • Social distancing will not be required or maintained in the school setting.  
  • A priority will be placed on maximizing instruction and collaboration in the classroom environment. 
  • Desks and tables will be arranged to maximize instruction and collaboration rather than maximizing physical distance. 


  • Visitors and volunteers will be allowed in BCLUW classrooms following typical pre-COVID procedures and guidelines. 



  • Transportation will return to pre-COVID mitigation operations, following all legal capacity limits for buses and other transportation vehicles.  
  • Hand sanitizer will be available for student use when entering and exiting the bus.  
  • High touch surfaces on the school buses and vehicles such as seats, handrails and seat belts will be cleaned and disinfected periodically by transportation staff. 


  • Food service will return to pre-COVID mitigation operations.  
  • Social distancing will not be required or maintained in food service and cafeteria settings.  
  • All lunch rooms will operate at normal capacity. 


  • On a regular basis, custodians will clean and disinfect high touch surfaces in the following areas within each building as part of their regular cleaning schedule: 
  • Classrooms 
  • Restrooms 
  • Hallways & Common Areas
  • Nurses offices
  • Media Centers
  • Offices 
  • Lunchrooms 


  • Nurses will be available to provide assistance when a health concern arises for students and staff.  The district will take direction from the Iowa Department of Public Health as to the up-to-date protocol and procedures when addressing diseases, including COVID-19.  Information about Health and Nursing Services can be found on the district’s website at -
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