
Events that are not broadcasted by local media are shown on our BCLUW Livestream YouTube Channel. We are excited to provide a live stream on our YouTube channel free of charge thanks to donations from the public. Please make sure to subscribe to our channel to receive notifications when an event goes live.

By offering this streaming service there are additional personnel and equipment costs and decreased gate revenues. We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider donating to BCLUW Activities when you take advantage of watching from wherever you may be. Our goal is to continue to offer this service at no charge to our patrons. Thank you for your support!

You can donate online or mail in a donation. Please send donations to:

Attn: Activities Dept
PO Box 670
Conrad, IA 50621

Policies & Forms

BCLUW Athletic Participation Form

Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports

Iowa Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form

Good Conduct Policy Acknowledgement

  • Student participation in extracurricular activities is a conditional privilege; students must maintain state academic standards, meet age requirements, and, for athletes, pass a physical exam yearly. In addition to these requirements, students who wish to exercise the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities must conduct themselves according to board policy and must refrain from illegal, immoral, unhealthy, or highly inappropriate activities.

Football  |  2023

Girls Basketball  |  2023

Season athletic passes are good for all home, non-state-sponsored sporting events, vocal concerts, and band concerts. They will not be accepted for plays, musicals, and coffee concerts.

Passes are available for purchase at each building office and at home events.

Student  |  $55

Adult  |  $90

Senior Citizen  |  $60

Family  |  $215  |  Immediate family K-12, college students, and parents/guardians

High School  |  $60  | 10 HS events

Junior High  |  $25  |  10 JH events

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